CRP Blog

Monday, August 13, 2007

Thoughts on Karl Rove's WH Departure

White House Counselor Karl Rove is stepping down. His stunning success in leading the 2000 campaign, his role in helping Republicans recapture the Senate in 2002, and his many other victories earned him the ire of liberals and Democrats, particularly those on the far left who will now be without one of their favorite Administration targets.

Over the years, Karl Rove has combined his study of history, strong political instincts, and relentless loyalty to President Bush to help countless Republican candidates and issues make the leap from theory to reality. In his role as "the Architect," he helped our party to secure significant tax relief for the American people, produce a fundamental shift in federal education policy to focus on results, and expanded trade and opportunity for American companies and workers competing around the world -- major accomplishments of this President's administration.

To liberals, Karl Rove is a man they love to hate (not much "tolerance" there). Of course, they don't feel this way because he was a failure; they feel this way because of his successes in helping to secure one Republican victory after another in Congress and on the electoral battlefield.

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