CRP Blog

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Send Gitmo Detainees to San Francisco?

In a rush to satisfy the extremist wing of his own party, Barack Obama this week announced the terrorist prison at Guantanamo Bay will be closed within one year. So, which Congressional District will get to be the new home to the most violent and dangerous killers in the world?

How about Alcatraz? It's an isolated island conveniently located right in Nancy Pelosi's Congressional District.

Fox News reports that Speaker Pelosi says the idea of putting the most dangerous prisoners in the world in her Congressional District was not a realistic proposal. Alcatraz, she said, is more of a national park these days.

That's true. But at least Alcatraz was built as a prison, while the facility at Guantanamo Bay was hastily constructed following 9/11 as a temporary facility in a Navy base. Perhaps one of the infrastructure programs in the stimulus bill restore Alcatraz to its former glory?

If not Alcatraz, then just whose Congressional District will get to house these killers? The Democrats have no answer, which begs the question as to why the decision should be made to close the facility when no solution has been identified as to where to send the inmates.

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