CRP Blog

Monday, April 14, 2008

Even the SF Chronicle Opposes Denham Recall

One would hardly call the editorial page of the San Francisco Chronicle a bastion of conservative thought. The paper very consistently articulates liberal positions on many contemporary issues.

It's for this reason that the paper's hard slam on Senator Perata's campaign to recall Republican State Senator Jeff Denham is particularly noteworthy.

The Chronicle this morning added its name to the growing list of newspapers in and near the district that are lining up solidly against this recall campaign -- a product not of grassroots origin in the 12th Senate district, but one with its roots instead in the backrooms of the Capitol.

What's even more unusual about the Chroncile's editorial is its forcefullness, calling the recall "worse than an abuse of the recall process. It is an affront to the very principles of representative democracy."

Wow. That is some tough langauge. Read the full editorial here.

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