CRP Blog

Thursday, August 7, 2008

McCain: Rock Solid Against Raising Taxes

On the issue of taxes, the difference between Barack Obama and John McCain is absolutely clear. Sen. McCain is rock solid in his opposition to tax increases. Here's a summary of what he has said:

SEN McCAIN: "I want to look you in the eye. I will not raise your taxes nor support a tax increase. I will not do it."

SEN McCAIN: "I am opposed to raising taxes on Social Security. I want to fix the system without raising taxes."

(Source: Sen. McCain at townhall meeting July 29 in Aurora, Colorado)

Throughout the campaign, Senator McCain has repeatedly stated his opposition to tax increases and has forcefully made the argument for simplification of the tax code and tax cuts:

VIDEO: Senator McCain opposes tax increases on Fox News Sunday
VIDEO: Senator McCain promises to veto tax hikes on Face the Nation
VIDEO: Senator McCain promises to veto tax hikes on This Week

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