Jerry Brown's Crime Fighting Model – The Results Speak For Themselves

The results? Brown isn’t safe in his own city – so much for his crime fighting template.
Jerry Brown Wanted To Use
Jerry Brown: "I Think We Can Set Up What We Do In
Jerry Brown's "Tough, Hands-On" Approach Included More Than 11 Plans, But Crime And Murder Continue To Climb
Jerry Brown Declares That His "Tough, Hands-On, Creative" Approach to Fighting Crime Will Be A Huge Asset. "Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown said his 'tough, hand-on creative' approach to fighting his city's vexing crime problem is a huge asset as he runs for
With Less Than 8 Years In Office, Jerry Brown Has Offered No Fewer Than 11 Crime-Busting Attacks, But Crime And Homicide Rates Continue To Climb. "When it comes to anti-crime plans, Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown has Tried just about every trick in the book, offering no fewer than 11 crime-busting attacks since taking office in 1999:
• Just two weeks after being sworn into office, Brown broke ground by calling for a Rudy Giuliani-style monitoring of crime to keep the cops on their toes.
• Three months later, in March 1999, Brown announced Project Exile, which called for criminals with guns to be prosecuted under stiffer federal laws.
• In August 1999, Brown -- standing in front of pictures of homicide victims -- called for the tracking down of repeat offenders wanted on outstanding warrants.
• In February 2003, Brown backed a plan by City Councilman Larry Reid to beef up the city's anti-loitering law to curb open drug dealing.
• In September 2003, Brown called for the closing-down of drug houses. So far, authorities have gone after 60 such establishments.
• In November 2004, Brown finally won voter approval for more money to hire cops and offer more social programs to give youths an alternative to crime.
• In January 2005, he called for a citywide curfew for parolees and people on probation, which is still in effect.
• In July 2005, Brown held a job fair for ex-convicts.
• In March 2006, faced with a new crime crisis, Brown ordered the redeployment of 115 officers to a new crime-suppression unit.
• In June, it was the High Five program, under which at least 30 police officers were pulled from other duties to fight crime in
• And just this past Thursday, he announced a program to focus on the city's toughest 100 criminals." (Phillip Matier and Andrew Ross, "Brown's Returned Fired On
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