Secretary Gutierrez Highlights McCain Latino Coalition Kickoff

Untied States Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez served as the featured speaker at the Ontario kickoff of Senator McCain's Latino Coalition event in California last week.
The Secretary is an extremely articulate advocate for both Senator McCain, and Republican principles of lower taxes, limited government, and improving America's competitiveness in the world economy. Very impressive.
In his remarks, the Secretary noted that Senator McCain understands the importance of promoting trade and American exports, securing more trade agreements that open foreign markets to American goods and services, and putting an end to the corrupting influence of excessive spending and earmarks in Washington.
The Secretary has a compelling personal story. A Cuban immigrant, he started as a driver for Kellogg's, working his way up the corporate ladder to leading the company before being tapped by President Bush to serve as the 35th Secretary of Commerce. A true American success story and a powerful advocate for Senator McCain.
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