Schwarzenegger and Poizner with Republican Women This Morning

Here at the Hyatt Regency in Sacramento Governor Schwarzenegger and Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner will be the featured speakers at the California Federation of Republican Women's annual Advocacy Workshop this morning.
President Marianne Haydon informs me that the several hundred Republican women are joined by two hundred students learning about the legislative process by participating in the workshop.
The CFRW is a key volunteer group within the state party, brining thousands of Republican volunteers into the party to support candidates and put Republican ideas into action.
Vice Chairman Tom Del Beccaro spent yesterday here, providing updates on how the CRP is moving forward in strengthening our operations and programs with input from our volunteers and other stakeholders.
Learn more about the CFRW and its important work here.
President Marianne Haydon informs me that the several hundred Republican women are joined by two hundred students learning about the legislative process by participating in the workshop.
The CFRW is a key volunteer group within the state party, brining thousands of Republican volunteers into the party to support candidates and put Republican ideas into action.
Vice Chairman Tom Del Beccaro spent yesterday here, providing updates on how the CRP is moving forward in strengthening our operations and programs with input from our volunteers and other stakeholders.
Learn more about the CFRW and its important work here.
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