CRP Blog

Friday, December 19, 2008

McKeon Leading Efforts to Protect Workers' Secret Ballot

California’s own Congressman Buck McKeon is doing great work in leading the fight against the outrageous campaign by the bosses of organized labor to strip workers of their right to a secret ballot in unionization elections.

The "Employee Free Choice Act" is about as Orwellian a title as we have seen in a long time. instead of promoting "free choice," the act would open the floodgates to coercion and intimidation of workers by eliminating their right to privacy when deciding whether to be represented by a labor union at the workplace.

Today, workers have the right to vote in a secret ballot election to decide whether they want a union. Under the EFCA, an employer is forced to recognize a union if a majority of the workers publicly sign cards. Of course, union organizers then become free to show up at a worker's home, at their car in the parking lot, in the lunch room, or elsewhere to "persuade" them that they should do what the very nice union people want.

Congressman McKeon is the ranking Republican on the House Education and Labor Committee, where this monstrosity of a bill will stop on its way to the House floor. He points out today that even Democrat Congressional insiders are split on whether they should move forward with the bill. It's widely understood that the measure would be great for union organizers, but terrible for the economy and workers' rights. Over 80% of Americans support preserving workers' rights to a secret ballot.

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